Автоматик шингэн шингэн лонх дүүргэх машин

Нүүр хуудас / Дүүргэлт хийх машинууд / Лонх дүүргэх машин / Автоматик шингэн шингэн лонх дүүргэх машин

Автоматик шингэн шингэн лонх дүүргэх машин

Ажлын зарчим

1. Manually put the bottles & the caps separately into the Tilted Hopper & Cap vibrator. The Bottle will be arranged by the Tilted Hopperwith bottle bottom towards rear & bottle mouth towards front, lies on the Feeding Conveyer Belt to be deliveredto the Bottle Unscrambler.

2. Bottle neck upward, bottle bottom backward, laid bottle come into bottle unscrambler; after unscrambing, bottles will stand up and be transfered into filling station on the conveyor.

3. Eye detecting station: it detects if there are Bottles to be filled.

4. No Bottles no filling.

5. Filling station: when the Bottles arrive under filling station, filling nozzles will dive into the Bottle for filling the product.

6. Cap loading station: caps will be sorted under vibrator and drop on the mouth of Bottle one by one.

7. Cap tightening station: to tighten the caps for Bottles under specialized device.

8. Discharging station: finished products will be pushed out by poking fork and delivered on outfeed conveyor.

Хяналтын самбар

Машиныг асаах / зогсоох, вибратор, дамжуулагч, ажлын ширээний хурдыг тохируулахын тулд машинд хяналтын самбар суурилуулсан байна.

Түргэн мэдээлэл

Төрөл: Бөглөх машин, дүүргэх машин
Нөхцөл: Шинэ
Програм: Химийн, түүхий эдийн, хоол хүнс, машин техник хангамж, эмнэлгийн, хоол хүнс, эмнэлгийн, химийн, эмийн сан
Сав баглаа боодлын төрөл: Торх, шил, лааз, аяга уут
Сав баглаа боодлын материал: Шил, металл, хуванцар
Автомат зэрэг: Автомат
Жолоодлогын төрөл: Цахилгаан
Хүчдэл: 110V / 60Hz Нэг фазын
Эрчим хүч: 1.5 кВт
Гарал үүслийн газар: Шанхай, Хятад (Эх газрын)
Брэндийн нэр: NPACK
Хэмжээ (L * W * H): 2000 * 750 * 1450 мм
Жин: 680кг
Гэрчилгээ: CE
Борлуулалтын дараах үйлчилгээ үзүүлсэн: Гадаадад техникийн үйлчилгээ үзүүлэх боломжтой инженерүүд
нэр: тос дүүргэлт машин
ашиглах: тариур
хүчин чадал: 0.22m3 / мин
Ургамлын гарц: ≥99%
хурд: 3000pcs / цаг-аас дээш
Дүүргэлтийн хэмжээ: 15мл

An automatic volumetric liquid bottle filling machine is a piece of equipment that is used to fill bottles with liquid accurately and efficiently. This machine works by measuring the volume of the liquid being dispensed and filling the bottle up to the predetermined level. This is done through the use of sensors and other control mechanisms that ensure that the liquid is dispensed at a consistent rate and with a high level of accuracy.

One of the main advantages of using an automatic volumetric liquid bottle filling machine is the speed and efficiency that it offers. With this machine, it is possible to fill large numbers of bottles quickly and accurately, which can help to increase productivity and reduce the amount of time and labor required for the process.

Another advantage of this type of machine is its versatility. It can be used to fill bottles of different sizes and shapes, as well as different types of liquids, such as water, juice, oil, and other liquids. This makes it ideal for use in a wide range of industries, including the food and beverage industry, the pharmaceutical industry, and the cosmetic industry.

Overall, an automatic volumetric liquid bottle filling machine is a highly effective and efficient piece of equipment that can help businesses to increase their productivity and reduce costs. Whether you are filling bottles of water or filling bottles of medicine, this machine is an essential tool for any modern manufacturing process.